Real estate industry RETS Diva Princess Kristen Carr has joined RPR. Kristen’s most recent gig has been with Bridge Interactive. Lately I’ve been impressed with posts on her blog “Real Technology“.
Her role will be in Industry Relations, predominately in the Southeast. Good move on RPR’s part (Mona can spot talent). However, it will be interesting to see how Kristen juggles her passion for RETS with RPR’s vision of real estate data standards.
Good luck Kristen!
Thanks for the kind words, Greg although I prefer “Princess” to “Diva” 😉
I’m incredibly excited for this opportunity, the RPR team has been welcoming and very helpful. It was hard to say good-bye to the Bridge boys but the concepts behind RPR are what the foundation of my career has been built upon. I’m passionate about data standards and I believe without standardization and the progress we’ve made so far RPR could not exist.
I have updated the blog post per your request. : )
It is amazing how things work out, some how the universe figures out where all the parts go.