Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Remine sticks its neck out


Remine launches MLS by Remine, a modern MLS system built for today’s real estate reality

“Remine, a fast-growing technology company that serves over 1,000,000 real estate professionals through more than 50 Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) announced today that it has launched a modern MLS system to replace those offered by legacy vendors. The new system, called “MLS by Remine” is expected to launch in early 2020 with several MLS partners.

MLS by Remine is offered alongside Remine Agent Pro, Remine’s existing suite of tools, data, and workflows real estate professionals use to engage clients in their real estate journey. The new system is also modular, meaning an MLS can adopt the full stack, from database to APIs, or implement just the layer they require, including Remine’s world-class front-end or Remine’s Add/Edit module. MLS by Remine can also be run in parallel with a legacy system to ease transitions. “

The team at Remine have been busy. Remine announcing they are launching an MLS System is not exactly news but my first impression was “hell yeah!”, a new MLS system? Bring it on. That is only going to force competition and make everyone better. And if Remine holds to their word of keeping their MLS system open to 3rd party integrations then the entire industry will benefit. One quibble I do have is with the naming convention “MLS by Remine”? MLS? This industry has got too many definitions for the word MLS already, now you name an MLS System, MLS? You see where I’m going here?

They mention MLS by Remine will “launch in early 2020 with several MLS partners.” It’s not clear whether those MLS organizations are committing to converting to MLS by Remine as their single platform , or as a “system of choice” solution. If Remine is successful in getting a larger MLS organization to fully commit to converting, and the conversion goes smoothly, you are going to see a whole lot of shaking going on.

Further down the press release you see this.

“Remine also offers a public portal option for MLSs that adopt MLS by Remine, and maintains a public facing site at Remine.com that connects consumers with agents already using Remine through their MLS.”

I haven’t seen the “public portal option” yet. But I did poke around the recently redesigned Remine.com that is now a consumer portal.

I’m not sure of the strategy here, there seems to be no active listings, just public record data mashed with Google Street Views. Even with the “Match with an agent” messaging the site gives off a weird FSBO like feel. Plus having the owner name front and center really seems creepy AF. Maybe they have something else planned but competing with Zillow, the other portals or chasing windmills like Homesnap seem to be akin to fighting a land war in Asia.

Part of Remine’s recent announcements is their new mascot, “Gia the Giraffe”. I think a giraffe is a perfect metaphor for Remine.

Remine currently offers Agent Pro, Enterprise Pro, Printing Services, Add/Edit module, MLS Public Portal, CMA (360 no less!), Credit Reports, a Consumer Portal, and now a full MLS System. I’ve also heard of a transaction manager in the works and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of other products in the pipeline, or I missed a few. That’s a lot. But the guys at Remine are a confident, and have a “we can do it all” attitude.

But Remine should be smart and not to stick their neck out too far again, although I do realize that’s pretty difficult when you’re a giraffe.

  1. Greg, Thank you for the press! I would like to restate a few things for clarity. ‘MLS by Remine’ is simply our long awaited full MLS platform. Remine.com is an extension of our Client Engage that we launched in January this year where agents can collaborate with their clients on their home searches. The mission of Remine is to equip agents, via their MLS, with the best tools to better serve their clients. We are definitely guilty of doing a lot and moving fast, but innovating requires us to “stick our necks out”. We always invite open conversation about our mission. If anyone reading this wants to learn more I can be reached at mark@remine.com.

  2. Remine is the biggest bait and switch this industry has ever seen. They pivot every 6 months, layoff staff, and come out with another “we are going to build this” they never deliver and the most recent product is so bad — no conusmer is going to use that search site. Wait until MLS’s have to tell their brokers that Remine is using MLS data to sell leads to agents and that broker listing agent is bypassed for a Remine agent. Wait until brokers find out they are losing mortgage business because Remine is selling mortgage leads to lending company’s. Free credit reports? sure then the consumer gets spammed by lenders…. Putting personal consumer info on a public search portal…as Greg said “creepy AF”. The glass door reviews of this company are horrific. They keep promising, not delivering, and then they promise something else…Gia the giraffe metaphor should be swapped with Alan’s giraffe from The Hangover becasue that is what is going to happen when brokers and MLSs wake up to what these guys are really doing.

  3. Well to be fair, their is more below the fold of the screenshot. Especially in active listings. I like the UI because it’s clean. My eyes aren’t bouncing around page between ads and other superfluous widgets. I’m a fan of negative space. It rather reminds me of Compass’ search portal. Black and white, easy to read. It’s needs some tweaking but it’s a pretty solid first effort.

    Is the owner info necessary? Not really. But it’s out there. I’ve been on showings where my buyers tell me who owns it, when they bought it, how much they paid etc. So the info is out there.

  4. @Robert Cloud CMA integrates public records data so their claim of “the only one” is false. I don’t think there is any malice, I don’t expect them or any other vendor to keep track of all features in all products.

  5. This post has some good points, but definitely feels a little judgey. Yes every company has its issues, products are trying to stretch but guess what, it’s ok. Companies like Remine should be applauded, why? They are building products and for the right reason. Ok so they have a public portal. They have a CMA. They are building a MLS. You know what’s important? It’s about time someone steps up. The industry is tired of the companies who don’t have the ability to actually step up in their technology skills. There’s no way the companies of the past like Corelogic, Black Knight, FBS who do not use technology but just update their displays.

    I looked up Remine. Their programmers seem like actual ones. Reading about press releases of companies who all of a sudden are using APIs or finally using standards is not news. Kudos to the programming team at Remine for actually understanding how to build something that might work at a larger level across the country.

    I hope there are more giraffes coming from them. If there are more companies that understand where this industry needs help, they would call the programmers at Remine to help learn how to respond to needs of the industry faster. They will make mistakes, but they will be the first ones to respond and fix them too. Layoffs by the way is ok, if I read the article correctly they were all sales people. None of their technology team people which means they are investing. Maybe even more smarter than we all think.

  6. I am curious why this line continues to be prevalent in the Remine conversation, “And if Remine holds to their word of keeping their MLS system open to 3rd party integrations then the entire industry will benefit.”

    Rapattoni MLS, as I am sure most MLS systems today have their systems open to 3rd party integrations. Aside from a sampling of our many vendors that we integrate with here: https://www.rapattoni.com/dev/560-dev_sso#sso_vendors , we have deep integrations with several other 3rd parties via API’s and RESO data standards. Perhaps we as MLS vendors are not marketing this fact enough… but I think we as an industry need to make that known.

  7. I cannot sit quietly and let anyone disparage the highly talented and experienced developers who work diligently as part of the CoreLogic team to power the day-to-day work of the 1.3 million agents who use our products and the industry as a whole. A few interesting stats:

    -Matrix MLS is available to more than 850,000 agents and supports over 25 million agent logins per month.
    -Since January 2019 Matrix MLS has returned over 4.5 billion sub-second search results and shown over 310 million listings to consumers through its client portal.
    -In the last year Matrix RETS has supported 8 billion RETS queries and 12.3 billion image requests, resulting in data transfer of 4 million GB per month from Matrix to power industry portals, IDX sites, and third party products.

    This all doesn’t happen by accident…although it appears that it might be easy to take for granted.

  8. Mr. Feinman, who do you think actually created and implemented the standards powering Remine’s ability to get the data from the MLSs? If you look it up (reso.org), I believe you’ll find it was the very companies who you say “do not use technology”.

  9. + 1 on Lucie and Michael’s comments.

    All of our development teams, from all vendors have worked with MLS associations for over 20 years, to bring the MLS from printed books, to the internet. We have pioneered MLS data standards through the RESO community, adapted to market changes with the advent of companies like Zillow and Redfin; as they make their impacts on the industry. Are we perfect?… No. Does adoption and adaptation take time?… Yes. But with the amount of business logic that has gone into these systems, and unique markets we serve, I think we as an industry have done an excellent good job.

    That being said, I love innovation; and sometimes companies like Remine come along and act as a catalyst for rapid change. But that is what drives our entire industry forward and makes us all better.

  10. Pingback: Bright MLS adds Remine Pro to core MLS offering - Vendor Alley | Vendor Alley

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