Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

A brand new day

I’m very excited to announce something we have been working on for a long time. Back in October of last year we asked Damien Huze to join our leadership team at W&R Studios as our Chief Design Officer. Design has always been an important focus with our company and Damien, who had helped us launch W&R Studios back in 2008 with our corporate identity, product logos, and the original Cloud CMA UI/UX, seemed to be at a time in his life he wanted to make a change. We, and I think the industry, will be glad he was ready for that change.

Old Cloud CMA Logo
Old Cloud CMA Logo

Damien quickly hired another designer Jesus “Jay” Cardenas whom he had collaborated in the past. First up was to bring a brand new look and feel to our logos. We told them that nothing was sacred, the look, feel, naming conventions, everything was up for grabs.

Branding surveys were sent, pencil was put to paper, stylus pressed to glass, mouse was clicked to desk. Since Damien was the very person that designed the original Cloud CMA logo I was curious what he and his team were going to come up with.

I was not disappointed. But let me let Damien tell the story….

The New Face of Our Brand

Cloud MLX launch party – You’re invited!

We are having a launch party next week at our W&R Studios offices in Huntington Beach next Tuesday (4/26), at 6PM.

If you have ever come to any of our parties you know that Frances and her team does it right! We are going to have a Live Jazz Band, a Bourbon Bar, good food and a lot of swag.

We are celebrating the launch of Cloud MLX and our new rebranding. I know a lot of you might be heading to the C.A.R. Meetings, or maybe you could fly in a day early for the T3 Summit, but Dan and I would love you to figure out a way to join us for this special event!

You can RVSP here: Cloud MLX Launch Party RSVP

MLX Invitation

Hope to see you there!

Cloud MLX is looking soooooo good!

My company, W&R Studios, is getting close to releasing our new MLS front end product, Cloud MLX. It’s looking amazeballs! I don’t want to give away too much but here are a few partial screen shots.

It’s living up to exactly what I expected: Simple, Fast and Beautiful.

We think agents are going to love it.

Cloud MLX search bar

Saved Searches


Agent Page

Cloud MLX can simply be a hub to our existing products Cloud CMA and Cloud Streams. The larger vision, is it can also be used an an alternative front end to your MLS. It’s so fast and simple agents won’t need extensive training.

Our new design team is really hitting it out of the park. I can’t wait to ship it and show everyone.

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