Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

RE/MAX re-signs with eNeighborhoods

Word on the street is that RE/MAX International has re-signed another multi-year deal with eNeighborhoods. eNeighborhoods is the chief technology solution provider behind the popular remax.com site. Currently remax.com is the most visited website of any real estate brokerage brand. eNeighborhoods is owned by Dominion Enterprises.

Recently RE/MAX announced that 5 million leads had been passed thru remax.com to RE/MAX Associates around the country. Quite a feat since the site just launched only 2 and half years ago.

eNeighborhoods seems to have this space locked up. They are also building similar services for all the Realogy brands, (Century21.com, ColdwellBanker.com, and ERA.com) which should be launching in the near future.

Takes talent to get these types of big deals done. Both on the deal side and the tech side. Congrats!

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