In what Joel Singer described as a “necessary move” toward their statewide MLS initiative calREDD. The California Association of REALTORS announced they were formally changing their name to the Krafchow Association of REALTORS or K.A.R for short.
Mr. Singer continued, “Ed was tired of paying all those dues to multiple MLS providers so we had to come up with a way to repay him.”
In other news, K.A.R also asserted itself beyond the geographic boundaries of California. “Our calREDD project has generated so much interest from outside of California that we are now offering the first 6 months free for all MLS participants 200 miles into the Pacific Ocean as well as 200 miles straight up in the sky.,” offered Singer.
“While we know this is really going to tick off the Chinese and Russians, it simply doesn’t make sense to limit ourselves to just land only. I mean, people do live on boats after all and now we have ex-Microsoft dudes flying into space. It was logical and , believe it or not, our new cool technology is even faster in space. Way, way faster! Like lightspeed faster” stated Joel Singer.
Ed Krafchow had no comment on his new namesake.
OMG LOL!!!!! This is the best series yet!!! I love the prune story too. What went on at Connection???? lak