Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Executive shakeup at Marketlinx? [Updated]


I’m hearing that there might be some leadership changes at First American‘s Marketlinx division. Not clear whether the changes are at the First American level or Marketlinx.

Can anyone confirm?

[UPDATE: See Victor’s comment]

  1. Where’s the scoop?

    It is not a leadership shake up.

    Bryan Foreman has resigned after doing an excellent job of merging a number of great brands and products together to create one of the largest and most successful companies in the real estate industry.

    He is a proven company leader with a track record of growing successful companies – and I am sure he will continue on that path. He leaves Marketlinx with a great management team, great products, and deep marketshare in nearly every niche in our industry.

    Whatever his next challenge – he will kill it! It has been great working with him for many years.

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