Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Real estate pros and the iPad

I’m writing two posts focused on Apple’s iPad.  The first part is on W&R Studios‘ blog, Lightning | Twice entitled: The Realtor and the iPad.  Later this week I will be posting the second part of this post here on Vendor Alley entitled; “The real estate vendor and the iPad”.  So stay tuned!

  1. It is kinda funny. I have resisted blasting the so called “technology experts” who are praising the ipad for real estate.

    It is pretty apparent that those experts have no clue about the technology infrastructure that support agents and brokers in their daily business – few of which can be accessed through the iPad’s safari browser. As such, the user would still need to carry around another device that is compatible with MLS.

    The iPad is a cool toy for book readers who may also be in the real estate business, but a far cry from a useful business tool.

    Having said that, many vendors are moving in the direction of supporting macs – and that is very exciting. One of the loudest cries that we hear in our MLS member satisfaction surveys is a call for Mac support. Marketlinx, LPS, FBS, your calREDD friends and others, either already support, or will soon support this platform with this year’s product releases and upgrades (pardon the bad sentence).

    iPad for Real Estate? Not!

  2. @Victor Lund. Time will tell. I’m interested to see what you think about some of my use cases I’ve outlined on my post at Lightning|Twice.

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