Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Cloud CMA lands in PDX


We’ve been busy.  Last month we successfully launched Cloud CMA in the Phoenix area (ARMLS).  This month we are launching Cloud CMA is the great city of Portland (RMLS)!

Response to Cloud CMA has been fantastic. Here’s one of latest testimonials from a customer…

“I do want to compliment you and your service. The ease of getting to your site via the internet AND my iPhone was AWESOME. I met with my local contact on the property in question yesterday at 11:30 am. But the client who is the decision maker is in NYC. I had an Open House yesterday and I needed to desperately send him the CMA before someone else got the business. As it turned out, when I got to my Open House and I had a break, I was able to log onto the site EASILY!!!!! (BETTER THAN GOING TO MY MLS). I emailed him both the link and the PDF file from my iPhone. And I was able to speak to the client FIRST and review the CMA with him. Because of the ease of this site. I will get the listing. I am sure. I will know tomorrow. But I am 100% confident I will get it.”  –Joe Mendez

Joe got back to us the next day.  He got the listing.  Boom!

As part of the launch of Cloud CMA in Portland we are sponsoring the “buzzre” event in Portland next week on June 3rd at McMenamin’s Edgefield.  You can find out details of the event hereWe expect close to 200 in attendance, so I’m hoping to meet a lot of people at the event and after party.

I attended a similar event here in Orange County and was impressed with the content and speakers a really happy the timing worked out.

So lot’s going on and let me be the first one to welcome our new customers in Portland and a big thanks to Kurt, John, Christina, Gail and the rest of the RMLS team for helping us get up and running.


  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Cloud CMA lands in PDX | Vendor Alley -- Topsy.com

  2. Pingback: Singing in the rain! A great start for Cloud CMA in 2010. : W&R Studios

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