Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

GEEK ALERT! Don’t Miss “ConnectTech” at Inman this Tuesday and the MLS Innovation Track this Wednesday

Dan Woolley

My partner in crime, Dan Woolley, is once again moderating a workshop, dubbed ConnectTech at the Inman Real Estate Connect Conference this week.  It starts at 8:30AM and goes to 12:30PM

Great program this year.  Here’s what you can expect:

TUESDAY, July 13

8:30 a.m. – 9:10 a.m.
HTML5 Is Coming, Are You Ready?

Sasha Aickin, Engineering Manager, Search Team, Redfin @redfin

Josh SharfmanCTO, California Association of REALTORS® @CAREALTORS

Tantek Çelik Co-founder, GMPG & microformats.org

9:15 a.m. – 9:55 a.m.
Social Web – implementing FriendConnect, Twitter OAuth, FB Connect

Geoff Cramer, CEO & Founder, SocialMadeSimple, LLC @geoffcramer

Richard Lacy,Site Director, Frontdoor.com @Lacy_Blog

T.A. McCann,, CEO, Gist, Inc. @tamccann

10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
ConnectTech Sprints: Mobile Development Best Practices – Focus on Android

Greg Carpenter,CEO, Boopsie @boopsie

10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
ConnectTech Sprints: Geolocation and the Web – What Are The implications For Real Estate?

Ian White, CEO, Urban Mapping @urbanmapping

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Creating Augmented Reality Apps for Real Estate

Rob Cross,Director of Distribution, Trulia @trulia

Michael CoutinhoEngineering Manager, Trulia @trulia


Michael Wurzer

Also don’t miss Mike Wurzer on Wednesday where he will be ably moderating Innovation Track 1: The MLS.

Vendor Alley Tip:


The last session featuring Lauren Emery, Jim Harrison, and Teresa King Kinney talking about RPR, CoreLogic, and Realtor.com looks very interesting

Here’s the program

Wednesday, July 14

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm
The Standards Imperative: How to Create a Meaningful MLS Data Standard in 2010
The world of technology, data and media is changing fast while MLSs remain tangled in a world without true standards. Learn how we can fix that – this year.

Michael WurzerCEO, FBS Data Systems, @mwurzer

Robert Overman, CTO and Vice President of New Technology, LPS Real Estate Group, @roverman

Travis Wright, Executive Director, RESO, National Association of REALTORS®, @REALTORS

2:55 pm – 3:40 pm
Naked Crunch: Radical Transparency and MLS Data
Learn how meeting the challenge of consumer empowerment with openness rather than intransigence pays off.

Bob HaleCEO, Houston Association of Realtors, @BobHale

Justin LajoieCEO, Diverse Solutions, @jlajoie

Justin TracyCTO, Founder, Real Metric, LLC, @realmetric

3:50 pm – 4:35 pm
What – and Who – You Need to Reboot Your Org
You know you need to change the shape of your organization to meet new realities, but struggle with execution. Learn how to structure your organization for change – and you who need to drive it.

John HeithausCMO, MRIS, @MRIS_Real_News

Kevin McQueenFocus Forward Consulting @kmcqueen

Mark AllenCEO, Minneapolis Area Association of REALTORS®, @mplsREALTORS

4:35 pm – 5:00 pm
The RPR/FirstAm/Realtor.com Taste Test
MLS operators who have executed partnerships with the Big Three share the straight dirt on what’s working, what’s not and how they see the future.

Lauren EmeryCEO, IRES, LLC @merylau

Jim HarrisonPresident and CEO, MLSListings Inc

Teresa King Kinney, CEO, Realtor Association of Greater Miami and the Beach, @RAMBMiami

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