Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Blues Brother John Mosey is becoming a meme!

I’m calling it. First Mosey showed up on Vendor Alley in his “Blues Brother” outfit at the Tarasoft party. Now I see him all over the interwebs!

On Gregg Larson‘s blog, no less than in 3 different photos. Now Goomzee has footage of John getting his groove on with a tamborine! It’s about 22 seconds in to the video.

Could John Mosey become the MLS industry’s first meme? Maybe. Here’s my humble submission.

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  2. For such a forward thinking person and “industry visionary”, I can’t figure out why Mr. Mosey is wasting his time and his member’s dues pursuing copyrights on the real estate listings of his MLS members, in order to stop the free distribution of real estate listing information on the Internet. This is clearly to the detriment of his members’ clients, claiming that the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, price, square footage, etc. related to a property are proprietary trade secrets and creative works that are entitled to copyright protection like movies and music. Doesn’t he realize that factual information can’t be copyrighted and that his members have a duty first to their clients who are trying to sell their homes, thus copyrighting the listings in order to limit their public exposure is a breach of their fiduciary duties?

    Or how about concealing offers of compensation from clients in the form of “Confidential Agent Remarks”, which he also contends somehow qualifies for copyright protection? What about the protection of the unknowing consumer who has no idea that “his agent” is being offered more money if he buys one property over another?

    Mr. Mosey has personally attacked real estate start ups and sued them for publishing real estate listing information, while working collectively with other MLSs to drive small, innovative brokerages out of business (http://www.inman.com/InmanINF/lowes/news/188877). This type of behavior is not only illegal, it is detrimental to the industry, especially the consumer.

    When will Mr. Mosey wake up and get with the program? It’s an MLS, not a weapon to be wielded against competition and homeowners. I thought we chose this profession to get homes sold, not to drive away competition with bogus copyrights and litigation.

    Time for the “MLS Gangsta” to retire back to Toronto – no more room for “Gangstas” in real estate, we’ve seen enough of that already to last a century. It’s time for the old guard to move over, relinquish strangleholds and let the market recover from the long term use and abuse by the “industry professionals”.

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