Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

The new Vendor Alley Job Board!

I’ve upgraded the Vendor Alley Job Board. It now allows job seekers to post a resume of sorts. I’m still working some minor issues out but so far so good. The url hasn’t changed its:

http://jobs.vendoralley.com or you can just click the Job Board tab towards the top of this page.

Job postings are only $29.95 for 30 days. Any job seeker can post their resume for free.

As usual I will also be posting featured jobs on Vendor Alley too, for increased exposure.

I might be crazy but I’m really hoping this becomes THE resource for anyone in real estate to find a job or for employers to find talent.

To reach that goal I’m really going to need your help! So please spread the word!!

Whether your’e an MLS or Association looking for new CEO, a big franchise looking for franchise sales people, a vendor looking for development and sales talent the Vendor Alley Job Board is here to serve.

Going forward I hoping to upgrade the design of the site and add more functionality. If you have any suggestions please e-mail me

Thanks for your support!

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