APRIL, 1st 2011
In a surprising move Sam Scott is leaving the Houston Association of REALTORS (HAR). My sources tell me it could be as soon as next week. These sources futher confirm he will be joining The National Association of REALTORS (NAR ) Second Century Fund.
Good luck Sam!
I’m excited by the new challenges and am looking forward to helping SCV make wise and profitable investments. I’m thinking this is time to go long on nuclear power technology. SCV is also interested firm that has developed small autonomous drones for DARPA. The technology will allow listings to take their own pictures.
Congratulations! Sam, I wish you the very best my friend!
I’m sure SCV selected Sam because if his extraordinary dance skills. Now we know the REAL REASON for the proposed NAR member dues increase – signing bonus.
It was heartwarming to see Sam Scott standing at the right side of NAR President Ron Phiipps as he address congress. Mr. Scotts guidance in crafting the policy message to House Sub-Committee on capital markets was extraordinary.
Ok, I am going to have to admit that I had to read this about three times before I realized it was written on April 1.
I almost believed it, until I read the nuclear comment. The other day I was talking to Taqi about Sam and how good a job he is doing at HAR.