Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Did Edina make the right move?

To pull or not to pull?

Via Paul Hagey at Inman News.

“Living without the large portals isn’t easy. Operators of third-party listing portals are often able to devote more resources than brokerages to building consumer-friendly websites aimed at providing a wealth of information on neighborhoods and market conditions.

A recent review by real estate consulting firm Clareity Consulting concluded that Realtor.com, Zillow and Trulia have the best mobile apps for consumers.”

I have to say that Inman is really doing a great job lately at deep diving into these stories (the RPR story also comes to mind). Paul’s article really gets in to the nitty gritty. As for the answer to the article’s question. I think it’s a no-brainer; Don’t pull. The elephant in the room is mobile. ZTR mobile traffic is Tsunami like.

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