Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Zillow acquires StreetEasy for 50 Million in cash.

Zillow to Acquire StreetEasy, New York’s Leading Real Estate Website

“StreetEasy attracts nearly 1.2 million1 monthly unique users, primarily home shoppers in the New York region. This acquisition gives StreetEasy the resources to further invest in product development and grow its audience, while offering Zillow® clear market leadership in the country’s largest and most important real estate market.”

Earlier this year we had heard the Zillow wasn’t planning any acquisitions in 2013, I guessed they changed their minds. With the recent stock run up, who can blame them. No mention of any significant revenue’s from StreetEasy.

And speaking of Zillow stock, they are offering 5 million Class A shares. Looks like 2.5 Million of them are coming from Zillow’s CEO Spencer Rascoff, Rich Barton and Lloyd Frink. Nice payday.

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