Last month we did a “Hack Week” at W&R Studios. We picked two products and had our devs pair up for a week and make something. Then the following Monday they presented their “finished” products. It was super fun! I documented a lot of the process and even recorded their final presentations.
So starting today there is a 4 part series about our “hack week”. The two products we choose were code named, Cloud MLX and Cloud Open House.
The first product, Cloud MLX, is an alternative front-end to an MLS system. Which I thought might be of interest to VA readers. I was really impressed with some of the ideas our team came up with, and I think it will cause a good amount of discussion. I video recorded their final presentation and it will give you a fly on the wall view of how the teams thought about the products.
So head over to Cloud CMA’s blog, “The Lightning Bolt” and check it out. Part 1 is posted today. Part 2 will post tomorrow.