Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Pro Tip: Low Budget Booth

Mike Sparr, CEO of Goomzee, is a genius. He came up with a low-budget way of creating a great looking booth, that’s easy to set up and tear down. Just replace the standard pipe and drape with your branded drape and branded table cloth. Best of all it fits in his carry on suitcase (no shipping cost either)!! Viola!!

Mike shot this video originally showing him taking his “booth” down. I’ve edited it and reversed it to show how easy to set his booth up.

  1. I tried to do that once a few years ago at McCormick Hall in Chicago. I was told I had to have a Union decorator perform the task, Including putting the drape on the table. I told my partner to be on the lookout when I plugged in the extension cord. I’m pretty sure if they saw me I would have had to hire a union electrician named Vinny to do it for me.

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