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Vendor Pro Tip: Check Your Bag before TSA does

A TSA agent dons rubber gloves at Washington Reagan National AirportHave you ever gone to the airport put your laptop bag/backpack through the x-ray scanner and then the TSA agent says they need to search your bag? And at that exact moment you forgot about the pocket knife you had in your bag? Of course, they find the knife, then ask if you want to take it back to your car or they will confiscate it.

That happen to me a couple times, and I never had enough time to go back to my car so I end up losing a pocket knife I spent $30 to $40 dollars on.

Not anymore.

On an iPhone you can set reminders that are geo-fenced. Meaning “Hey Siri, remind me to buy milk when I leave the office.” These reminders are set on location, not a time or date.

So here’s how you solve your knife problem:

“Hey Siri, remind me to look in my bag at John Wayne Airport”.

Problem solved.

And yes I understand that many of you will substitute the word “weed” for “knife”. You’re welcome too.

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