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Zillow/Retsly announce judges for upcoming “zip.code” hackathon

ff_hackathons_f-2I’m very excited to be selected as a judge at Retsly’s “zip.code” hackathon this weekend!

For those of you who don’t know Retsly is a software company acquired by Zillow Group last year. They have created “Listing and Public Data” APIs.


“Embracing the power of the Retsly Listings and Public Data APIs, zip.code 2015 aims to bring together the most creative and tireless hackers for a weekend of furious, sweaty, real estate innovation.”

Up to 300 developers will participate. Many of them from companies like Lyft, Uber, Microsoft, ModCloth, OpenDoor and schools like Stanford, Berkeley and SFSU.

The panel of judges also include Realogy CEO, Alex Perriello, Lynette Keyowski from OMREB and Brad Griffith, CEO of Gametime.

I’m looking forward to see what types of products and services the developers come up with. Should be a fun weekend!

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