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Clareity MLS Survey: Black Knight claims top spot again, FBS closing gap.

You gotta hand it to Rich Lull, Marty Reed and the rest of the team at Black Knight for another year at the top of Clareity Consulting’s “MLS Customer Satisfaction Survey“.

Oddly enough this year’s (and last years) number 2, FBS, was not at the event. And it appears that FBS is closing the gap. While Black Knight had a 10 point lead last year, FBS closed that gap to only 4 points. FBS also had the biggest jump in points.

2015 Clareity

2014 Clareity

According to the survey,points are calculated:

“…grouped by MLS vendor and system, based on a calculated score (3 times the “Excellent” percentage plus “Good,” minus “Fair,” minus 3 times “Poor”). A higher calculated score signifies better end-user satisfaction as reported by the MLS executive.“

Nice to see Rapattoni (who was at the event) go up a few points as well.

More later on the workshop itself, but wanted to congratulate everyone above.

  1. Cade, CoreLogic Matrix is actually doing pretty well. If you look at the comments from last years and this year, you can see the turnaround in progress. And, now that most of the work bringing accounts over from Tempo, MLXchange, and Fusion is done, I think we’re going to see even more of a turnaround this year. That will be validated, hopefully, in a year.

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