Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt


At the recent Apple WWDC keynote they announced a few tweaks to the new watchOS 3. After a year of feedback the focus of these changes is about “glanceability”. By their definition the user had to get the information (usually coming from some sort of notification) of what they needed in about “2 seconds”. And keep in mind this information was being delivered on a display the size of a watch face.

2 seconds.

This made me think of the process we went through when designing the email listing alerts being delivered in Cloud Streams. Here’s what one looks like on a smart phone.

iphone New Streams Alert

Look and feel are important but design is also how it works. So deliverability and having a clear call to action on these types of notifications is also very important.

Now here’s a recent one from Matrix.

iphone Matrix Alert New

Is there a word for something that is the exact opposite as “glanceable”? And trust me, this is pretty on par with most MLS systems out there now. If you are running an MLS or brokerage and think your members/agent deserve better, drop Katie a line. She can help. : )

And it looks like the portals are paying attention to this glanceabilty issue as well. Trulia just recently updated the look and feel of their listing alerts.

iphone New Trulia Alert

Looks a bit familiar to my eyes, but I guess imitation is the best form of flattery. : )

But they did make an interesting design decision. If you were given the choice of having a bigger property photo, or a smaller photo of the property and a map, what would you choose?

For me? I like big property photos and I cannot lie.

  1. Your depiction of the CoreLogic product also bears out a feeling that seems to be growing among agents, that MLS Vendors are not nimble enough to meet the public’s ever changing expectation of information products and tech services. The MLS vendors are all about BIG Data, and delivering a whole cradle to grave product. Other specialists (like W&R) can focus on and innovate specialized services and products with amazing speed.

    I will be quite interested to see what RESO and the Web API actually does to the MLS industry. What will be the cost to the local association for a database and cloud storage when the users buy all their other data tools independently?

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