Maine Listings and Greater El Paso Association of Realtors select FBS and the Flexmls System.
“FBS’s vision and subsequent product strategy have earned them +99% MLS-client retention rates during the last decade. The Spark® API powers both the Flexmls Mobile platform and the Spring® MLS consumer portal product. Maine Listings licensed the Spring MLS Portal together with the Flexmls System while GEPAR was already a Spring customer. Excited to have all of the pieces come together with FBS, GEPAR CEO Jason Sanchez says, “FBS has an impressive, proven track record of maintaining great partnerships and delivering innovation that positively impacts the MLS, brokers, agents, and consumers. Their Flexmls System was our choice for a reliable, mobile-responsive, future-built MLS system that would deliver value for our members and their customers, especially in conjunction with Spring.”
Looks like their strategy is working. 8,000 REALTORS is a big chunk.