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Trestle Web API goes Platinum


“Reaching the Platinum Web API standard is an important milestone for Trestle,” said Amy Gorce, principal of business development for CoreLogic Real Estate Solutions. “Platinum certification verifies that Trestle implements 100 percent of the RESO Web API functionality, providing maximum flexibility and interoperability. This achievement supports the efforts of clients and real estate technology providers to create a new class of solutions with on-demand access to the most up-to-date listing information available.”

We have had some limited interaction with CoreLogic’s Trestle group and I’ve been impressed with their responsiveness. I know the team wants to create something that will work in “the real world”.

I’m looking forward to RESO’s Fall Conference in a couple of weeks. I’m still not clear on how vendors, like W+R Studios, can help the effort. It seems that there is a lot of work to be done before vendors can start successfully using the new Web API. And I’m not sure where’s the bottleneck. Right now, I don’t see it being vendors.

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