Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

MLS PIN promotes key executives Melissa Lindberg and Holly Haines

I’m still catching up from the CMLS conference but didn’t want to forget to share this exciting news.

MLS Property Information Network, Inc. Appoints Melissa Lindberg to Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer

“In this new role, Melissa will provide leadership and management while focusing on MLS PIN’s strategic initiatives and opportunities in alignment with the company’s goals for growth. Her responsibilities include industry relations, marketing and communication, expansion, customer engagement and education, product user interface, and the roll-out of company initiatives.”

MLS Property Information Network, Inc. Appoints Holly Haines to Chief Operating Officer

“In this new role, Holly will provide leadership and management while focusing on organizational excellence and technical vision in alignment with the company’s goals for growth. Her major responsibilities include internal operations, software and product development, quality assurance, administration, and human resources.”

In reading both press releases about Melissa and Holly’s accomplishments it easy to see why Kathy has given them these new responsibilities. Congrats to Melissa and Holly.

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