Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Calling all design nerds

Be the first to know!

Just heads up for those interested. I’m doing a webinar tomorrow (April 24th 9:30AM PT / 12:30PM ET) about our new version of Cloud Streams. I’m going to be interviewing W+R Studios’ Chief Design Officer, Damien Huze. Get behind the scenes knowledge on our product design, process and the choices behind our changes.

Auto-prospecting/Client Portals/Client Collaboration/Listing Alerts (whatever you want to call it) is one of the most used features on an MLS system. But most MLS systems fall short of what today’s consumers expect. We think the new Cloud Streams strikes the perfect balance of functionality and simplicity and I’m super excited to share what we’ve built.

To register for the webinar click the link below:

Webinar Registration Link => The NEW Cloud Streams

Even if you can’t make it, register anyway because all registrants will be sent a video of the webinar after it happens.

Pro Tip: If you do want to see the webinar live show up early: We only have 1,000 spots, and we already are close to 3,000 registrants.

  1. Nice webinar. As an amateur design geek, I was enthused to see some of the thought behind the product.

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