Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt


My thanks to CubiCasa for sponsoring this month of Vendor Alley. CubiCasa’s goal is to have a floor plan on every listing in the United States. Jeff Allen, CubiCasa’s President, explains it best…

“Floor plans are the only digital asset on a real estate listing that give buyers a true sense – at a single glance – of whether the home is the right fit for their family. Scrolling through reams of property data or clicking through a dizzying virtual tour can’t do the same thing. In fact, according to NAR Research, floor plans are the single most requested feature on a listing after only the default photos and property data.

You can read the entire blog post here => CubiCasa’s Epic Mission – A Floor Plan on Every Listing

They have already announced partnerships with Georgia MLS and New Mexico MLS

I love these guys and their mission, my thanks again to the team at CubiCasa.

Sponsored By Cubi Casa