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Calling all you D&D fans

My son Cole just completed his senior project. He is part of the Center for International Business and Communication Studies (CIBACS) at his high school. His project was to create a business with a product to market and sell. This week he finished the project and I couldn’t be more proud.

He wrote a book, “The Terrific Tome for Travelers”, technically it’s a “5E Supplemental Book” for Dungeons & Dragons. He got into D&D over the pandemic and played it over Zoom with his friends and later in our garage. He commissioned artists, wrote over 22,000 words, came up with new characters, and designed the layout, it’s amazing!

It’s a great adventure where players try and help the people of the city of Drakai to overcome evil politicians with supernatural abilities, including the mysterious Dr. Anthrax (Dr. A).

Cole Robertson

He set up a website as part of the project and is now ready to take orders. It’s only $19.99 and you’ll get a PDF delivered instantly. He is also doing some cool things with video as supplemental content to the book, but you’ll have to order to see that content.

His final presentation is this Saturday so I’m trying to help him get as many orders as I before his presentation.

So if you are a big D&D player yourself or know anyone else who is, please visit the site and order your copy today. And please share with any other people you know that might be interested.

Order “The Terrific Tome for Travelers” today at ====> Sunbound Studios

Thanks again for your support!

  1. Bought his module and will play it this weekend.

    I worked for Hasbro and was part of the team that acquired TSR / Dungeon’s & Dragons back in the 90s. Happy to speak with your son if he wants to make a career of game development.

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