Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Batton down the hatches

Mother of all commission suits filed in Illinois, this time by homebuyers

“The scope of Batton 2 is exponentially larger than Gibson, Sitzer | Burnett, or another, similar case, Moehrl. Both Batton 1 (formerly, Leeder) and Batton 2 seek class certification on behalf of two proposed classes:

  • a “Nationwide Class” made up of “All persons who, since December 1, 1996 through the present, purchased in the United States residential real estate that was listed on an NAR MLS.” For this class, the plaintiffs are asking for injunctive relief, meaning either a court-ordered prohibition or a requirement on the defendants’ behavior.
  • a “Damages Class” made up of “All persons who, since December 1, 1996 through the present, purchased in the Indirect Purchaser States residential real estate that was listed on an NAR MLS.” For this class, the plaintiffs are asking for damages under “antitrust, unfair competition, consumer protection, and unjust enrichment laws.”
Andrea Brambila via Inman News

This is why I drink.

  1. Yep. This is turning into a big shit show. I’m of the opinion this is why you don’t settle.

    I don’t have a legal background so take this with a bag of salt, not a grain of salt. Do the organizations that settled have immunity forever??
    If you have a flood of copycat lawsuits in various states with new attorneys and plaintiffs, it doesn’t make sense that the settled organizations are shielded forever.

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