Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Vendor Alley Sponsorships open for 2024

Vendor Alley Sponsorships are now open for 2024. I haven’t promoted that I’m selling sponsorships for 2024 yet but organically companies have reached out and I’ve already sold 3 months. These are all repeat customers.

To see what months are left please visit here.

Sponsorships on Vendor Alley are for a full month.  You get your logo on the site all month.  Plus I write a “thank you” post every week during that month (4 total).  You can just send me the copy you want to post, or I can take your copy and write it in my own voice.  Totally up to you.

Here’s an example

I have close to 900 industry people that are signed up to receive email alerts every time I post something.  So those email recipients will see your posts at least 4 times during that month.

Also, I’m doing a couple new things this year…

A site redesign. I’m going super minimal this time and it’s going to make your ad pop.

It will also include a super cool “dark mode“.

Also I’m including an interview on my Listing Bits podcast.  So that is something else you are can promote and I will also post it on my blog,  giving you effectively 5 posts during that month. Keep in mind I’m still going to do other Listing Bits podcasts along with these sponsored ones.

Here’s an example.

Total cost of sponsorship is $6,000.

I expect the remaining sponsorship slots to go fast. If you are interested reach out to me at gregrobertson@gmail.com and I will send you an invoice which will also serve as an insertion order.  First come first serve.

Thanks for your support.

Sponsored By RentSpree