Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

NAR settles….

Powerful Realtor Group Agrees to Slash Commissions to Settle Lawsuits

“The settlement includes many significant rule changes. It bans N.A.R. from establishing any sort of rules that would allow a seller’s agent to set compensation for a buyer’s agent, a practice that critics say has long led to “steering,” in which buyers’ agents direct their clients to pricier homes in a bid to collect a bigger commission check. 

And on the online databases used to buy and sell homes, the M.L.S., the settlement requires that any fields displaying broker compensation be eliminated entirely. It also places a blanket ban on the longtime requirement that agents subscribe to multiple listing services in the first place in order to offer or accept compensation for their work.”

Debra Kamin, New York Times

Story is developing. I’ll try and get more details.

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