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Omni Lobby Bar – After Party – Update “First round is on us!”

I think with the news of Kristen’s passing is going to make this Sunday night at the Omni even more special.

So be there Sunday night (5/5/23) at the Omni Hotel’s Marquee Lounge. Anywhere from 9 PM to Midnight (last call). And we can raise a glass to Kristen in a place I know she would have loved to be, surrounded by her friends.

BIG UPDATE: The guys at RoomVu has generous offered to pick the tab for the “first round” so the sooner you get there the better opportunity it is to get a free drink! RoomVu is a pioneer in Video Marketing for agents. Sam Mehrbod, the co-founder of RoomVu, will be there so we will all get to thank him personally. Many thanks Sam!

Check out their site to learn more.

  1. Greg, thanks so much for putting this out for everyone. I was working with Sam on just this idea. The RPR crew will see you there. Kristen would have wanted us to all be together

  2. troyrech2b49624688

    What an incredibly generous offer! See y’all there – well, at least the folks who show up before 11 pm.

  3. Great event last night. Thank you so much to everyone who came out to see each other and the celebrate Kristen. Special thanks to Greg and to RoomVu for the round of drinks!

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