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Did NAR just blow up CCP?

NAR tells sellers they don’t have to list on the MLS

“A point of contention around Clear Cooperation is the requirement that, in most cases, agents must submit a listing to the MLS within one business day of publicly marketing it. In its message to consumers, however, NAR appears to take a more flexible stance, telling sellers they do not have to market their home through the MLS, but still advising them to “discuss the pros and cons with your agent.” 

Real Estate News

If the National Association of REALTORS says it okay not for home sellers not to list on the MLS, then that’s the ballgame. CCP is dead.

  1. They have always had that option. The fine print is “if you don’t put it in the MLS, you cannot publicly advertise” with other sources. That is CCP.

  2. The guide is not a change in NAR policy. Under CCP clients can still choose to exclude their property from the MLS. This would fall under the exempt listings category (aka office exclusive listings) and it would be subject to the no public marketing rule in CCP. Agents would have them sign an exemption form which explains the benefits of marketing their property in the MLS so the client can make an informed decision.

  3. Sharon said it best. This isn’t news per se. Another attention grabber headline with the information below stating what’s already happening.

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