Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Keeping it interesting…

My thanks to the staff at Inman News for naming me one of “21 Interesting People In Real Estate – Inman’s 2016 list


“Real estate has some real characters — whether they’re people who use their own clout in the industry to do interesting things, or people who came to home sales from other industries and walks of life. The Inman editorial team has collected our picks of the most interesting people in real estate.”

The list includes Jay Thompson from Zillow, Jonathan Smoke from MOVE, Rob Hahn, Leigh Brown, Tessa Hultz and many others.

Paul Hagey leaves Inman News


After nearly four years as a reporter at Inman, I’m moving on to work as a content writer, editor and strategist for real estate firms, brokers and agents. My last day is today, Friday, October 2.

Working for such a top-notch organization with a dogged focus on quality and intelligence has been a gift. I’ve learned a lot from my bright, hard-working colleagues Amber Taufen, Andrea Brambila and Teke Wiggin and my two former editors Matt Carter and Glenn Roberts, Jr.

I’ve gleaned tons from Inman Publisher Brad Inman, including where to get an excellent steak in New York City, that adventurous love is possible in marriage (from he and his wife Yaz’s glorious Facebook feeds) and how to cut a sentence to the bone. I’m extremely grateful to have worked for a company with such a passionate, smart owner. Thank you for the opportunity, Brad.

When I first started writing for Inman in November 2011, I didn’t know the difference between a brokerage and a franchisor, whether IDX was a policy or a disease (found out it’s both), that a real estate portal wasn’t a rip in the universe that would transport you to your childhood home or who the readers are that depend on Inman for fast, accurate, insightful real estate news.

I came to know what was what, and the latter — you — well. The desire to provide you with thorough, intelligent, accurate information drove my reporting. You’ve inhabited my brain for years, and now I’m one of you: I sign up for Select on Saturday.

Good luck Paul. I’m sure we’ll be reading you again soon!

Beaches MLS sues JTHS, Miami AOR, Teresa Kinney and staff members for unauthorized MLS access.

This is getting crazy even by South Florida MLS politics standards. The first thing you want to do is read Andrea Brambila’s article on Inman News:

Turf squabble fails to derail Florida association merger
Miami Association of Realtors to grow to nearly 40,000 members

“RAPB has decided to no longer share listing data with MIAMI, cutting off their collective 51,000 members from each other’s listing information. Both Hall and Kinney declined to comment on that decision at this time, saying they would be distributing press releases about it in the near future.

MIAMI and JTHS have been sharing data for years and will continue to do so, Kinney said. JTHS will keep its own MLS system after the merger “for as long as they want,” she said.

“One of the things you don’t want to do with members is mess with their MLS,” she added.”

I’ll say.

Now it appears Beaches MLS asked for and got a temporary restraining order. I’m not clear on how far the order goes but this doesn’t look to be resolved any time soon.

Seems they have proof that and seeking to find more that Miami AOR have gained “unauthorized access” to Beaches MLS listing data.

You can’t make this shit up.

And if you haven’t had your fill of crazy South Florida MLS stories, here’s another whopper.

It’s got MLS manipulation, extortion, police arresting (and that person resisting) at a penthouse and two real estate agents named Jill. Enjoy.

Brad Inman visits Huntington Beach

Brad and GregBrad Inman stopped by W&R Studios Headquarters in Huntington Beach today. He saw we had some video equipment and asked if it would be cool to shoot an impromptu video. “Of course!” I said. We talked about “Z2K”, marketing automation, and what it all means. Coming soon.

ICNY: It’s on like Donkey Kong!


So far my flight hasn’t canceled. Fingers crossed. Hope to see everyone tonight in New York!

On my way!!

Don’t miss this!

I was lucky enough to be included on David Charron’s panel, “Does Big Data Make Us Stupid?” at Inman Connect NYC next week.

The panel is set to start on Thursday at 2:35PM. John Heithaus from RBI, and Matthew Shadbolt from the New York Times are also panelists. Which leads me to believe they wanted some comic relief by inviting me to join all these big brains on stage!

panel inman nyc

David is moderating all panels on the MLS Track at Inman Connect NYC this year again. All of them are not to miss. I hope he and Inman keep this going, David does a great job of preparing and keeping things interesting.

One that also stands out to me is David’s interview with new CMLS CEO, Denee Evans, on “How I Plan to Build on the Success of CMLS” This session is right before mine at 2:00pm.
inman panel denee

See you there!!

Rupert Murdoch to keynote at Inman Connect NYC


Over 1,000 brokers send their listings to Zillow directly.

Zillow ‘Pro for Brokers’ participation takes off
Portal receiving direct listing feeds from more than 1,000 brokers

Paul Hagey for Inman News

Zillow is now receiving listings directly from more than 1,000 brokers under its 2-year-old Zillow Pro for Brokers program.

The program, which Zillow launched in June 2012, has grown rapidly in recent months. Last fall Zillow announced that approximately 200 brokers were enrolled.


“Both Zillow and Trulia have been making a push to get direct feeds from brokers and multiple listing services to improve the accuracy, timeliness and comprehensiveness of their listing databases. Their chief rival, realtor.com, gets listings directly from over 800 MLSs across the U.S.”

I’m starting to get a better idea of what Curt meant by the “save ListHub” plan.

…on the MLS’ shoulders.

Rumors of the demise of the MLS have been utterly wrong.

Sam DeBord contributing for Inman News

“There’s currently a brokerage alliance hoping to form its own listing database platform, in an attempt to circumvent local MLSs’ control. The movement is being hailed as a blow to MLSs, but the idea itself seems less than revolutionary. There are successful MLSs in a number of locations that are already owned and run by brokerages, outside of Realtor organizations. A greater alliance of brokers creating a large association is nothing more than MLS consolidation, whether or not the ownership or administration changes. The intimation that this spells irrelevance for the MLS is frankly backward. The simplest explanation seems to be that these brokers value all of the inherent powers and structure of an MLS system; they just want to make the rules themselves.”

Nailed it.

Wanna be a REALTOR?

An open letter to anyone wanting to get their real estate license
The trials and tribulations of starting a career as an agent

Greg Nino, REALTOR Houston Texas

“Several times a year I am approached by people who want to become a Realtor. Many of them think it’s a great way to supplement their income while they keep their day job. A lot of others are interested in a career change. I decided to type this blog post to save myself time. Each time I’m asked I’ll simply send the inquiring person a link back to this post”

My favorite is #3.

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