Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Is this the future of listing photos?


I’m not sure if this is a new trend or something that I’m just being made aware of, but people are starting to show up in listing photos.  And not just ordinary people, but scantly clad females……in a pillow fights?

Here a are just a few “listing photos” I recently pulled from this agent’s website (not craigslist!):


I wonder if this is going to be brought up at NAR’s next MLS policy committee meeting?  Possibly a new classification,  IDseX?

Thank you.  Thank you.  I’ll be here all night, don’t forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses!

Girls in lingerie on stilts.

Wanna buy a curling iron?
Many of you may have read that Dan and I released our first non-real estate web app this past weekend. If you haven’t, you can read it here. Basically the app is designed for businesses who’s income is derived on high frequency recurring customers. This can be anyone from a golf pro to a hair stylist. The app is a simple way for these types of businesses to remind their clients to come back. We call it Heads Up!

Since one of the largest hair dressers show was here locally (International Salon and Spa Expo [ISSE] 2011, pronounced “Ice”) we decided to launch at this event. Besides hair stylists share a lot in common with Realtors. First off they have to receive a license from the state to practice, many of them are independent contractors, they work at a salon (similar to a Broker office), and they rent a chair (think desk fee). A few key differences, they do more transactions (of course) and on average hair stylists make more money than a Realtor.

Plus the event (ISSE) was supposed to have more attendance than NAR‘s annual conference.

Our booth location wasn’t the best, the show was in the main Long Beach Convention Hall we were set up in the arena, with the “Wellness” crowd. Not so bad. Our neighbors were a company called Minx, who did shrink wrap nail coverings, across from us was what I can only refer to as “boob tape”. The video being looped was interesting to us for the first 10 minutes but then got kind of creepy. Believe me, beauty isn’t pretty.

Open for business!

We set up our booth and were ready to rock. The show opened on a Saturday and the attendance we pretty tepid. This made sense we one of the other exhibitors pointed out that a lot of salon and spas are open on Saturday. Makes sense. We only signed up a couple subscriptions and called it a day.

Line 'em up!
When I arrived at the convention center on Saturday I knew this show attendance was going to be much better than Saturday, there was already a line forming to get in. While we did get better traffic, it very hard to draw people in. A lot of the exhibitors were being very aggressive with booth promotions. I decided to take a look in the main convention center.

Pandemonium!! It was like a giant CVS designed by someone does casinos in Vegas. The music was loud, you had different hair performers who would speak in to a microphone as they cut hair. Freaking crazy. My favorite was a girl in lingerie on stilts. Guess what she was selling? Curling irons, of course!!

Hair stage performer in action

I sat in on a couple break out sessions, learned a lot. We closed up the booth around six, with a few more orders. The feedback we got from attendees was great. But there were no other vendors selling technology directly to stylists, the other software companies were targeting enterprises sales to salons and spa owners. I look at this more of an opportunity than a problem.

Monday was “student day”, lots of students (dressed mostly in black and for whatever reason girls love to wear knee high boots, with short shorts, which was fine by me.). We had a few “be-backs” come back and order.

While I was hoping for a lot more orders due to the size of the show I came back encouraged. We plan on hitting a few spas and salons locally and see how that pans out. I need a hair cut anyway.

Inside Trulia’s Boiler Room

The news just hit the wire. Trulia just took the term “interlopers” to a whole new level by opening a new inside sales office in the Denver Tech Center, in the same neighborhood as RE/MAX’s World Headquarters.

And they are hiring sales managers, sales reps, customer support, HR, their very own “boiler room”!

Dave Liniger, co-founder and Chairman of RE/MAX has been critical of sites like Trulia for being “the guy who shows up at a pot-luck dinner bringing only a fork.” And with a big move like this I thought it might be interesting to see what exactly Dave’s new neighbors will be doing just up the street.

Just how does Trulia’s sales team operate? Last week a post by Michael Arrington on TechCrunch blasted a new company for naming their new start-up, “SalesCrunch”. The founder of SalesCrunch is none other than the founding VP of Sales for Trulia, Sean Black. Small world.

On SaleCrunch’s site they have a section called “SalesSchool”.

Posted is a short video, named “how Trulia Scores and Process Leads” where Sean Black Interviews his former Trulia workmate Lead Generation Manager, Steve Rossi who talks about how Trulia sells products to agents.

It’s a must see for anyone in the business of selling to real estate professionals. Lots a good tips from someone in the front lines.

But then at about 1:10 in to the video Steve reveals something that I almost missed. Turns out Trulia mines the syndicated listing data, that powers their site, for valid prospects to sell their wares. Meaning agents who just sold a million dollar home get prioritized for a sales call to buy Trulia’s products.

Now I know that the listing data coming from syndicators like ListHub are stripped on many of the restrictions that a typical IDX vendor must adhere to. But this practice just seems wrong.

Typically most vendors are restricted from using MLS data to mine/contact agents. In fact many MLS providers seed their listings data with false e-mail addresses that flag when an unscrupulous vendor tries to use the data to market to their membership.

The irony here is that many agents and brokers have criticized sites like Trulia (and even Realtor.com) for using their own listing data to generate revenue (advertising) and charging the same agents to “enhance” their own listing data. Now it turns out they are also using the listing data to target who the best agents and brokers to sell to!

Something tells me that Trulia shouldn’t be heading over to RE/MAX to borrow a cup of sugar anytime soon.

UPDATE 3 [ITS BACK TO BEING SET TO PRIVATE- What are they hiding?]

Congrats to Real Estate’s 100 Most Influential Leaders: 2010

The list is out!  Once again Inman News has release it’s list of the 100 Most Influential Leaders in Real Estate for 2010.  The list was broken down into several catergories:

Categories of 100 Leaders:

  • Brokerage
  • Economists, Academics and Consultants
  • Government
  • Media
  • Mortgage and Ancillary Services
  • Online – Blogging, Social Media
  • Technology
  • Trade Organizations, MLSs

Yours truly made the list under the Technology category!  I’m just two spots away from Steve Ozonian!

RPR Dress Code Memo Leaked!

Vendor Alley has been forwarded a page from the official RPR dress code policy handbook. Take a look! (Click the image to get a a larger view)

Tough gig!

; )


I’ll be doing a full recap later in the week but wanted to post something quick.

First off “Best Booth”. I broke it down to two catergories, since some companies had more room to work with.

Best Booth (Hallway) of CMLS goes to….


dynaConnections CMLS Booth

These guys were a triple threat. Great booth, great reps, and great swag!

Check out the clever swag. Coffee mugs with a mustache drawn on!

dynaConnections Swag

Swag action shot!

Swag Demo Shot!

If these guys pay as much attention to their MLS system as they to to their marketing then sign me up!

Next up is Best Booth display in a limited space. And the winner is….


These guys always do a pro job. Some booth had the same components but ShowingTime did a great job of pulling it all together.

ShowingTime Booth

Then there’s also the “Not Even Trying” Booth Award:

And the winner loser is….

Name Withheld

You can check out more images of CMLS 2010 on the new Vendor Alley Flickr Photostream:


Seven Big Wishes: The Vendor Edition

CMLS is just around the corner and it promises to be the most attended in it’s 53 year history. Rob Hahn recently posted “Seven Big Questions ‘The MLS Edition'”, I’m going to riff off that and give my 7 wishes from Real Estate Vendors. Some of these I’ve experienced first hand, some I’ve heard from others. I don’t want the list to sound whiny, and like everything on this site, please take it with a little tongue in cheek (just a little).

1. I want standards. I want to be able to write a killer real estate app and release it everywhere at once. Yes, I know there are “chicken and egg” type issues, and it’s difficult. But, it’s 2010 people, let’s make this happen!

2. I want MLS providers to make decisions quicker. The Internet moves faster than one board meeting a month. How many times have you heard, “Our board meets next week but the agenda is already full, and next months is also full, but I might be able to squeeze you in the following month…maybe”? Lame.

3. Let me compete. For a number of reasons, many MLS providers put up huge walls or policies designed to keep new products from entering in the market. Give your members a choice.

4. Stop the shake down. One MLS provider requires me to pay $1,500 a month to release a CMA app in their market, at another MLS it’s $1,000 a month, at another it’s $600.00 per quarter and at another its $0.00. WTF? As a technology solution provider, I’m pretty well aware of the “costs” of providing data. Instead of making me pay you protection money….

5. ..Let’s be partners. I would much rather do a revenue share where you and I both gain based on performance rather than paying you a “tribute” each month.

6. Let me make a living. You complain about customer service but forget you drilled your vendor so far down on price that you made it impossible for them to perform.

7. I want to advertise (in your magazine, newsletter, or website), sponsor (your event, blog) , and attend trade shows. But, make it worth my while. Don’t just put me in a booth in the middle of nowhere, put my logo on a sign, and expect me to be happy. Be creative! And, don’t charge me an arm and a leg. The longer I’m around, the more money I will have to spend. We need each other, price accordingly.

Did I miss your wish? Let me hear them or your comments.

eNeighborhoods releasing iPhone and iPad app.

Just caught this is my Google Reader today. Looks like eNeighborhoods is releasing an iPhone and iPad app dubbed “Neighborhood Envoy”. It’s available on the iTunes store today. I think it’s great to see eN rolling out new apps. Below are a few screen shots of the iPhone version.

I can’t really give a full review of the product (it requires a subscription to their eNeighborhoods NEXT product), so I’ll comment on what I can see here.

Somebody needs to tell eNeighborhoods to turn down the brightness of the colors they use. The color scheme looks like a circus tent.

The name of the app, “Neighborhood Envoy”. Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. You would think they would leverage the whole Mexican/Spanish thing they have going on with “eNeighborhoods Mercado” and call the iPhone app something like “Neighborhood Amigo”.

But, in that case they wouldn’t be allowed to launch it in Arizona. ; )

Have you voted yet?

Inman News is doing a People’s Choice Innovator Award.  The awards go to a variety of categories.  We’ve got two finalists in the running.

Cloud CMA – Most Innovative Web Service.

Vendor Alley – Most Innovative Blog

Since you can only vote once, I would humbly suggest you use one of your “life lines” and “phone a friend”.

:  )

RPR announces creation of National MLS, chooses calREDD as its MLS vendor.

Dale Ross, CEO of RPR,  confirmed what many people have longed suspected, RPR intends to launch a National MLS.  Dubbed Realtor information Property MLS or “RIPMLS” the new system will launch in June of 2011.  “We weren’t fooling anyone, so we thought we might as well get on with it.” stated Mr. Ross.

“We couldn’t keep this secret any longer.”  stated Marty Frame, RPR President.  “Beta testing starts in a couple months.”  When asked about calREDD‘s MLS system Marty Frame stated.  “I wasn’t personally involved with the decision but from what I hear the MLS system is state of the art, and implementations are proceeding in an orderly fashion.”

Joel Singer was at an undisclosed location and could not be reached for comment.

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