Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

More great quotes about calREDD from Inman article last week.

I was re-reading Matt Carter’s article from last week on Inman News: Another rocky start for ‘California MLS’.  As a side note, C.A.R. posted a response to the article you can read here.

Here’s a couple quotes that also deserve attention.

“We’ve delivered everything we said we would,” Kucirek said. “We have a signed contract … whatever (the Lake County board votes in April), they have to live up to it.”

Sounds like a vendor I would like to work with….NOT!

and this gem from Mike Silvas…

“The reality is that the statewide MLS effort is proceeding in an orderly fashion”

Sounds like Mike made a trip to Humboldt County to talk about Lake County!

Realtor’s Headshot Wins Listing! ; )

Very funny:

I Wasn’t Going To Buy This House Until I Saw The Realtor’s Headshot On The Sign

“Buying a house is one of the biggest decisions a person can make, so when I set out to purchase my first home, I didn’t take the matter lightly. Sure, the place I ended up with isn’t in the greatest shape, or even in the best part of town. And by any fair market estimate of its value, I certainly overpaid.

But as far as I was concerned, the deal was sealed the moment I saw real estate agent Mary T. Ellington looking back at me from that Re/Max sign, her face just barely visible over the rampant weeds growing in my new front lawn.”

The Onion via @jburslem

J. Wellington Wimpy joins RPR

yeah, right.

Via MLS Tesseract

Get them while they're hot…new calREDD T-Shirts!

Have you read the story about calREDD on Inman News?
Here’s the link:

CalREDD rollout behind schedule
‘California MLS’ to push forward in 2010

It appears one of Vendor Alley’s readers has, they sent me this image, anonymously (of course)

In case you can’t read the text it says “calREDD – Bringing a Redundant MLS to California…at a Stately Pace.”

I still think “But we’ll always have Winforms” is funnier!


Thou shall not steal from the church!

Pope Ross says “Tis’ a sin to share revenues with the Church. Think of your congregation first!”

pope ross

Live video feed from stage at closing session at C.A.R meetings in San Jose.

I kid…..I kid…….

; )

Behind the scenes at the calREDD bunker….

This is too funny!

Rapattoni starts NAR Mid-year booth "schwag war"!

Just in case you didn’t get the email (yeah right!) Rapattoni is having a contest where the lucky winner could win a stuffed “Rapattoni lion”.


This has certainly raised the bar for booth give away items. Leaves me to wonder what will the competition do? Here’s my suggestions….

FNRES/Cyberhomes, LLC/LPS
Long known as the king of catchy booth-ware (who can forget the “I like BIG BUTTons” t-shirts?) might I suggest a giganto stuffed chameleon to match your ever changing persona?

The young upstarts from Fargo have been working all Winter filling sandbags to hold back the waters of the Red River. So how about replica sandbags? But instead of being stuffed with sand they will be stuffed with reprints from Mike Wurzer’s FlexMLS Blog! This would be great for the office. Every now and then you could reach in the bag and find a great article about “MLS standards” to read.

I think you take advantage of having the cool letter “X” in your name and go for the co-marketing opportunity with the release of new “X-Man Origins” movie. You could hand out Wolverine back scratchers!

California Association of REALTORS (C.A.R.) announces name change to K.A.R.

In what Joel Singer described as a “necessary move” toward their statewide MLS initiative calREDD. The California Association of REALTORS announced they were formally changing their name to the Krafchow Association of REALTORS or K.A.R for short.

Ed Krafchow
Ed Krafchow

Mr. Singer continued, “Ed was tired of paying all those dues to multiple MLS providers so we had to come up with a way to repay him.”


In other news, K.A.R also asserted itself beyond the geographic boundaries of California. “Our calREDD project has generated so much interest from outside of California that we are now offering the first 6 months free for all MLS participants 200 miles into the Pacific Ocean as well as 200 miles straight up in the sky.,” offered Singer.

“While we know this is really going to tick off the Chinese and Russians, it simply doesn’t make sense to limit ourselves to just land only. I mean, people do live on boats after all and now we have ex-Microsoft dudes flying into space. It was logical and , believe it or not, our new cool technology is even faster in space. Way, way faster! Like lightspeed faster” stated Joel Singer.

Ed Krafchow had no comment on his new namesake.

Brian Boero and Marc Davison shut down 1000WATT Consulting, start Progressive rock band.

Marc Davison
Marc Davison

“Get ready Texas!!” yelled Marc Davison as he boarded a plane at LAX airport bound for Austin, TX.

Brian Boero
Brian Boero

When asked about this new direction Davison commented, “I really wanted to form a kick ass blues band but Brian couldn’t play a hook on his keyboards if his life depended upon it, so Prog rock was our only choice. But who cares!! It sure beats the hell out of hearing brokers whine all day!”

When asked to list his influences he stated, “Early Zeppelin, The Doors, U2 and Sherry Chis”

“Sherry Chris?” we asked.

Yeah, we named the band “Better Hobos & Godzilla”

“Brand is important man….” finished Marc.

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